Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Having decided not to go up to Big Fork and the Ranch yet, we continued on toward Bozeman, Bryan’s land of his alma matter, Montana State University (MSU). We stopped for lunch at McKenzie River Pizza Company, one of Bryan’s favorites. Bryan had one of his two favorite sandwiches and I had a yummy thin crust pizza. We continued our drive and stopped at Little Big Horn, previously known as Custer’s Last Stand. Sadly, we lost many of the pictures from here.

We carried on and entered Wyoming. There was a handy pull-off on the highway next to the Welcome Sign, so we were able to pull over and celebrate our arrival easily… and then toss out our trash in the convenient trash bin. Wyoming felt very welcoming, as the Welcome Center had one of the greatest inventions ever – Spring Toys! And swings. We spent the night here, and the following morning we had cereal and spent a little time on the playground!

Quote of the day: “The world is a great book… they who never stir from home read only a page,” St. Augustine. I think I will be reading quite a few chapters this summer :)


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