Friday, August 19, 2005

Kalispel Fair (Happy Birthday JT)

Today we went to the Kalispell Fair and saw lots of farm animals and a quick little horse race. This one was much smaller than the ones I have been to on the East Coast, however. Always neat to go to the fair, though! Especially when there are llamas. :)

Kalispel Llama

Then Bryan’s parents took us out to dinner at the Montana Bistro in Big Fork village –which was delicious. And then we got to go see Adam, Sarah, and Seth Milligan. Seth is 14 months old and just learned how to walk a week ago. He was showing off his new skills all night and anticipating cheering every time he did. So cute. It was great to visit with the parents as well. They got a new house that they have big plans for - renovations and remolding. Adam has already made a beautiful deck in the back – good job Adam!


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