Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Today we awoke in Yellowstone National Park and went up to Mammoth Hot Springs as I remembered it being my favorite spot last time we were here. It was surprisingly dry this time, with only three active springs. It was still very cool though – so many colors, such a unique place. We also went to Norris Geyser Basin to see some geyser action. We saw some bubbling and spurting water and lots of steam. The whole landscape there has steam emerging from the depths of the earth all about. It is very cool.

Mammoth Hot Springs

For more Yellowstone pictures, click here:

Then we left Yellowstone and went through the Gallatin National Forest and Bryan went to one of his old camping spots from his college days – a bit of a walk down memory lane for him.

We went back to Bozeman as well today – our first Return to Anything so far - and back to our old spots – Bryan hoped to find a cowboy hat he had been thinking about since our first visit here in July. Sadly, the hat just wasn’t as he remembered it and he didn’t get it. We did go back to McKenzie River Pizza Company, so Bryan could get his Other favorite sandwich – and I had the best pizza ever (bacon, mushroom, and three cheeses). We landed in a rest area somewhere between Missoula and Drummond, MT for the night – our first rest area this month! It wasn’t all that bad, either!


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